Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Joys of Motherhood

So it happened, yes, it finally happened. While trying to teach Mia to go on the potty, she POOPED on my foot. Yes, take a moment and revel in that. If you are not a parent, you are probably completed grossed out by this and cringing at the thought. If you ARE a parent, you are probably saying, "Oh that, my kid did that about ten times. It's just a process." Well who the heck decided that this was an okay process for moms? I would like to meet with them and place my ploppy, gloppy, foot up their....well you know. I can tell you that I don't remember my son ever doing that and I would be perfectly happy going through the rest of my life without ever having had my foot pooped upon!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nerd Noses and Tasty Toeses

Ok, so I had alreay written this and then I clicked on the picture to insert it and I lost everything I had typed. Technology is great when it works for you, but when it works against you you're ready to throw it across the room!
Anyway, the title says a lot, but not in proper English. That is completley unlike me, but I couldn't resist it. Today Mia learned two really important things:
1. Don't put Nerds candy into orifices it doesn't belong
2. Putting your foot in your mouth isn't so bad, literally!
Number one is obvious to us but not so to two-year-olds. Mia was sitting at the table and I noticed her playing with her nose. I asked her what was wrond and she said, "Tandy dare" which in her language is "Candy there" as she pointed to her tiny little nostril. What a time we had trying to get her to blow her nose as hard as she could. Eventually we were able to blow that sucker out of there with some boogies as well. She tried to eat the boogie because that was green and the candy which used to be green had lost it color in her nose! I threw it in the trash as fast as I could.
Now the toes weren't so dramatic, she just stuck her foot in her mouth at the dinner table while we were eating. It was so adorable and we did the unthinkable! We laughed. That was the end of it. It was a disgusting thing for her to do and all the dirt from the day was caked in on her foot so she should have stopped. No, we had to laugh and so now she has found her toes not only amusing for herself, but to get a laugh from us as well. She continued to do it and looked at my husband and me each time! Talk about putting your foot in your mouth. Ahhhh. Hopefully that will get old soon.
Finally, the kids went to daycamp today. It was great for two reasons: the kids loved it and will meet kids for the fall when they attend that school and MOMMY GOT A BREAK! I will be sending them there every if you see me with a big grin and a Cappuccino, it must be a Tuesday!